In pursuance of this sustainability agenda,
Partas will incorporate the following goals in the formulation and implementation of its plans, strategies and programmes in all areas of activity.

Sustainable Development Policy
Strategic goals:
Minimise the consumption of natural non-renewable resources.
Encourage energy efficiency , reduction in emissions and where possible adopt alternative / renewable energy sources and best practice in its operations.
Accommodate new development needs in an environmentally sensitive manner.
Promote waste prevention, reduction, re-use, recycling, energy recovery and safe disposal.
Promote water conservation measures
Equality Policy
Partas is committed to equality of opportunity in terms of its employment practices, its policies and procedures, and access to its services.
This commitment to equality of opportunity is evidenced in the mission statement of the organisation:
Our aim is to build an inclusive and thriving community by being a leading source of excellence in development of local enterprise and of social economy.
Partas acknowledges its obligations under the Employment Equality Act, 1988 and will endeavour to ensure that direct or indirect discrimination does not occur within all of the work of Partas.
The scope of the equal opportunity policy extends to all workplace policies and practices, and actions that take place:
in the workplace
at functions taking place under the aegis of Partas
at any other place where employees of Partas are present on company business such as training courses, business meetings away from the workplace etc.
Partas is committed to a policy of equality of opportunity in its employment practices. Equal Opportunity is about making sure that the workplace is free from all forms of discrimination or harassment on the grounds of:
Marital status
Family status
Sexual orientation
Religious belief
Membership of the traveller community
Individuals will be selected, promoted and treated solely on the basis of their abilities and merits and according to the requirements of the job.
Environmental Policy
Partas provides business support, advice and training to individuals, community businesses, and SMEs throughout Tallaght.
Partas recognises that environmental concerns are an integral part of its business both within its own operation and in its relationship with clients. To this end Partas will engage in the activities below:
Pursue a purchasing policy which has as a key criteria the purchase of environmentally friendly goods
Ensure that wherever practicable all consumables within Partas are recycled
Identify and offer environmental training to all staff, where appropriate
Fully use Information and Communication Technologies in the internal operation of the Partas and in its work with clients
Advise all new and existing clients, where appropriate, of their environmental responsibilities
Signpost all clients, where appropriate, to other agencies whose remit is to give dedicated environmental support and advice
Make every effort to minimise use of private transport in the internal and external work of the Centre
Review this policy from time to time against best practice in the business support sector
In adopting this policy Partas recognises the important
co-operative characteristic of social awareness, one which Partas aims to adhere to in all its activities.
Sustainable development is generally defined as ‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’. It involves the balancing of economic, social and environmental objectives, through a process that involves the participation of a wide range of interests.
‘Sustainable Development: A Strategy for Ireland’ (1997) and ‘Towards Sustainable Local Communities: Guidelines on Agenda 21’ (2001) aim to promote sustainable development at national, local and regional level and set out a range of actions for consideration by agencies.